Anne Jones


Senior Research Scientist
Anne Jones


I am a senior research scientist based at IBM Daresbury. Prior to joining IBM, I undertook postdoctoral research developing new models and techniques to quantify the impacts of climate variability and climate change on infectious diseases of humans and animals. I joined IBM Research in 2018 as a geospatial data scientist working on industrial applications of AI, and then co-lead the development of IBM’s Climate and Sustainability programme which was launched in 2020. I am currently a co-lead of the IBM Research global team developing technology for climate change applications, and continue to lead projects with STFC under the government-funded HNCDI partnership in the UK. My current research focus is on the application of AI for climate risk and impact quantification.


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Top collaborators

Blair Edwards

Blair Edwards

STSM - Climate & Sustainability - Geospatial Data and Modelling