Hui Wu


Hui Wu


Technical Product Manager, Data and Model Factory


IBM Research - Yorktown Heights Yorktown Heights, NY USA


Dr. Hui Wu is a research scientist and a manager at the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center. She her current focus is to drive Distributed Data and AI platform capabilities to scale real-world AI.

Her past work at IBM includes: Computer vision and multi-modal learning for fashion image retrieval using natural dialogs. and Food visual recognition service at IBM Watson Developer Cloud. She served as a co-lead for GTO 2022.

Prior to joining IBM Research in 2015, Dr. Wu received her PhD in Computer Science from University of North Carolina at Charlotte, after her thesis focus on computer vision, medical image analysis and machine learning. Her work centered on research and design of computer vision algorithms to automatically analyze echocardiogram videos to assist heart function monitoring for patients under intensive care. Her work on echocardiogram analysis ranges from image enhancement such as video denoising and stabilization, cardiac chamber view classification and heart function classification. Her thesis proposed a series of image manifold learning algorithms with weakly labeled training data, which has been applied to diverse use cases such as weather analysis from webcam images and echocardiogram video analysis.

Her publications have appeared at main computer vision and AI research venues, including NeurIPS, CVPR, ACMMM, Medical Image Analysis, ISBI, etc. Additionally, she has given class lectures at New York University and University of North Carolina at Charlotte, on topics on machine learning, computer vision, data structure and algorithms.  

More info on Hui's work at:



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Jiyong Jang

Principal Research Scientist & Manager, AI Supply Chain Security